more than 45,000 happy customers

250,000+ bearings and wheels in stock

Mo-Fr ordered before 15:00 = shipped same day


Shipping and pickup

Status of your order

We find it important to keep you informed about the status of your order, however without overwhelming you with email. Therefore, you will receive an email from us at two times with a status change of your order.

You will receive these emails:

Your order has been correctly processed - you will receive an order confirmation email.

Your order has left our warehouse - you will receive a shipping confirmation email.

Track & Trace

In the shipping confirmation you will also find the information needed to track your order. Depending on the delivery service, it can take up to 24 hours before the track & trace is visible on the delivery service's website.

Track & Trace not received?

If you haven't received your Track & Trace email, the best thing to do is check your spam/advertising folder first. Big chance that you will find it there.
Have you still not received an email from us one day after placing your order? Please contact our customer service team.

Customer service

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